Saturday, 3 October 2009

New blog features "Gonzo Loves..." playlists

Has anyone noticed that "Gonzo Loves..." is now on every night? Well, it is. Either at midnight or 1am. Those shows beginning at 1am are ad-free. It is no replacement for 120 Minutes, it's just not the same thing. Unlike 120 Minutes, Gonzo Loves... will only ever show you the newest stuff, no classics, no late discoveries. On the other hand, Gonzo Loves... does show some of the rubbish you were really safe from when watching 120 Minutes. But then, it's the best we've got right now on MTV TWO. The hottest new videos are first (sometimes only) on Gonzo Loves...

With Gonzo Loves... on every night now, I created a sibling to this blog: find the playlists of every show* since GL came on nightly, which happened on 6th September, on "The Other Night on Gonzo Loves..."

(* except 12th September, which went missing due to technical difficulties. And there was no edition on 15th September, due to the MTV VMAs.)